Rehearse and perform Haydn's famous 'Theresienmesse' (composed in 1799) under the baton of the dynamic Dexter Drown, Musical Director of The Sitwell Singers.
The day will run from 10am until 5pm (doors open at 9:30am) with a break for lunch and an informal performance at 4pm.
Lunch can be pre-booked for £5 or bring your own packed lunch.
Scores will be available to collect on the day.
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Finding the latest tickets for Come and Sing Mozart with The Sitwell Singers.
Rehearse and perform Haydn's famous 'Theresienmesse' (composed in 1799) under the baton of the dynamic Dexter Drown, Musical Director of The Sitwell Singers.
The day will run from 10am until 5pm (doors open at 9:30am) with a break for lunch and an informal performance at 4pm.
Lunch can be pre-booked for £5 or bring your own packed lunch.
Scores will be available to collect on the day.
Or share the following link directly:
Finding the latest tickets for Come and Sing Mozart with The Sitwell Singers.